MIDI-Mapping ControlRoom with Pro Tools

This guide assumes that you have already:

If you have not completed the above steps, use the individual links, or please visit ControlRoom Setup Overview

Detailed Setup Instructions


Please note, ControlRoom Hub must be running to maintain the connection with Pro Tools. It can be minimized, but not closed.

Map ControlRoom MIDI Tools to midi-enabled third party plugins

There are numerous MIDI tools in ControlRoom that can be mapped to control the parameters of MIDI-enabled third party plugins. Follow the steps below to use the Hub and Pro Tools to map the FX Cube to control a few parameters in the FabFilter Timeless 2 delay plugin.

It’s helpful here to use Command-Tab (Mac) or Alt-Tab (Windows) to quickly switch back and forth between the Hub and Pro Tools windows.


  • Create a new audio or aux track and insert FabFilter’s Timeless 2 delay plugin.

  • Click MIDI Learn to prepare it for midi mapping


  • Create a new MIDI track

    • Set its input to ControlRoom Out 3 - All Channels

    • Set its output to the FabFilter Timeless plugin

    • Record-enable the midi track


For this example, label them as follows:

  • Name: “Timeless”

  • X Axis: “Time L

  • Y Axis: “Time R

  • Z Axis: “Wet Level


  • Switch back to Pro Tools and bring up the Timeless window

  • Click the Delay Time L knob in the plugin window. This selects it with a rectangle.

  • Switch back to the Hub, and click the first Send CC button to map the X axis to Delay Time L

  • Switch back to Pro Tools, and click the Delay Time R knob to select it

  • Switch back to the Hub, and click the second Send CC button to map the Y axis to Delay Time R

  • Follow suit to map the wet mix knob. In Pro Tools, click the Wet Mix Knob to select it, and in the Hub click the third Send CC button to map the Z axis to Wet Level

  • In Pro Tools, confirm the 3 mappings you just made by clicking on a neutral part of the plugin window and looking for the CC numbers attached to each of those parameters.

  • Exit MIDI Map mode by clicking the Close button at top right or the MIDI Learn button at bottom left.


Once you have mapped the three parameters, this mapped tool will be available to you in ControlRoom VR.

  • In VR, press the menu button on your left controller to bring up the menu, then select the Tools page, and turn on the FX cube you just mapped, which should be named Timeless

  • Start playback either on the Console, or using your left wrist transport

  • Move the ball in the FX cube around to fluidly control all three of those parameters simultaneously