In this page, we will discuss the steps you need to take to install the Virtual Reality component of ControlRoom on your Oculus Rift headset.

If you have already installed and launched the ControlRoom VR application, please continue on to the Connect VR to the Hub page.

Step One: VR Installation

Oculus Store:

A: Go to our Oculus store page.

B: Purchase the application.

C: Download the application.

Steam Store:

A: Be sure you’ve installed SteamVR.

B: Go to our Steam store page.

C: Click Install

D: Click Next, then I Agree, then Finish.

If you have not previously set up Steam to work with your Oculus Rift headset, please click here and follow these instructions from Steam.

Oculus Store:

A: Press Start to launch the application.

Steam Store:

Click Launch the application.

Step Two: Connect VR to the Hub

Click here for instructions to connect VR to the Hub


Have more questions about this process? Check out our FAQ page.

Have more questions about this process? Check out our FAQ page.

Still have questions about setting up VR or have suggestions about how we could improve this page? Try our customer service portal.